Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Insomniac's Guide to the World

Yes, I am about to blog about a blogger. My brother Dustin started his own blog called 'An Insomniacs Guide to the World' and I think it is pretty funny if a little bit of dark humor sometimes. Anyone that knows me knows that Dustin is kind of my lifeline so I go to his blog quite frequently to get a little chuckle and continue on my day. Anyhow, the whole point is that he recently put his blog on a site called humor blogs (or something like that) and you can go on and vote. You give him a smiley face if you think it's funny and a sad face if not (or if not then just leave it be cause if you give him the sad face his ratings will go down and ruin my whole day). So....if you are a little bored today go to his website and read a bit (remembering that I don't think he ever learned what a period or run on sentence was and I would really love to be his editor) and if you like it and have the time scroll to the bottom to find the link to the humor site. Sign yourself in. It does not make you go back to your e-mail or anything and goes pretty quick but it does ask you a question. Mine was to name one of the Marx brothers. I put Harpo. Then make someone's day and give a smiley.
Or you can just follow my link of persons. He is under 'funniest kid alive'. Thanks!

1 comment:

Syden said...

Sniff* I feel all warm and fuzzy inside yes sometimes the humor is dark but when you don't sleep some things just seem funnier. Oh and I made it easy on you there is a widget (widget what a great word w-i-d-g-e-t) on the side that says humor blog if you click on it it takes you right to the ratings. So if you like it smiley face if you don't show mercy. Thanks for the publicity sibling your the best!