Monday, October 6, 2008

Homeschool Week 6

Due to reading the below weeks I think these blog posts are kind of boring. I am thinking about starting up another blog with our daily lessons plans in more detail and what we accomplished for both myself and anyone who actually wants to take a peek but until then I'll just post pictures of favorites. This week was Halloween projects that incorporated math, reading, more pronouns, the planet Mercury, reading projects that incorporated Halloween, and realizing that our paper mache sun got squished. My favorite is below. I wrote it down and they told me what they wanted. I did ask what skiggy meant but they said only a witch would know. I think that's a compliment.

Bewitching Brew
ingredients : frogs, humans, cobwebs, sand, snails, shells, spiders, magic, M&M's and other candy, dead leaves, pumpkins, honey, moonbeams or moonlight in a jar, old skiggy bones, spotted toadstools, clams, breathe of a ghost, gum, snapping fish caught in the moonlight, stardust, sunlight, chocolate, baby food, bat's wings, curdled goat milk, frog jam, Texas mosquitoes, blankets, snake venom, snake skin, and storm clouds.
Pour in ingredients, mix twice, simmer 10 hours, and set by a scarecrow. This brew turns you into an ingredient that the witch can later use and which is much more powerful than any other ingredient. When you turn into the ingredient you look like a ducktoad.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

They aren't boring! I am amazed at how organized you are. It is truly amazing!