Friday, October 3, 2008

I LOVE October....Happy Birthday Aunt Carla!

One of the best parts of Halloween

I always crave these when I see them - eat a lot - and then don't want to see another for a full year. Incidentally, I don't like candy corn all that much.

I remember when I was in second grade and my teacher read us a poem about the months then started asking us which month was our favorite and why. Everyone was saying July and August because there is no school or December because of Christmas. I said October because I love October. She told me it was dumb to have a favorite month simply because of your birthday. (I really didn't like that teacher - Ryan has stories about her too). Anyhow, looking back I realized that is was hard for an eight year old to articulate how awesome it is to have all the colors start to change, to have the weather cool down a little, to get a few good storms, and to anticipate the steamroll of holidays that are all about to start. Seriously, I have always loved October and in my opinion it is by far one of the best months......and it only has a little to do with my birthday :)


Audrey said...

Funny enough, I just bought a bag of those candy corn pumpkins yesterday!!

Anonymous said...

You do to love it for your birthday. Growing up you would start reminding us how many more shopping days we had to your bday on Oct. 1. You also thought that they leave changed colors just for you (as of course they do).