Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6 More Weeks of Winter
Alas, Phil did see his shadow today which means 6 more weeks of winter (personally, I think that's a little backward, but I'm not a groundhog). My own little groundhog's and I ventured outside a few times today but did not see our own shadows. Does this mean Houston will be heating up? Instead we stayed inside to learn a few groundhog and Groundhog Day facts and have a little fun with marbles.
1. Phil has seen his shadow 97 times, has not seen it 15, and 9 years are said to be unaccounted for
2.The National Climatic Data Center says Phil is right 39 percent of the time. Phil's Club says he is right 100% of the time

3. The groundhog hibernates for the winter so coming out of his burrow is a sign of spring.
4. On winter days when you see your shadow it is especially cold because it means there are no clouds to insulate the earth (so that's why....)
5. The average groundhog is 20 inches long and 12-15 pounds.

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