Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Ben!

Growing up Ben wanted to be a rock star. He was the kind of kid though that said his prayers every night and read his scriptures every day. He finally decided that pursuing the rock star dream was not really conducive to the kind of lifestyle he wanted and decided to serve a mission instead. After spending two years in San Francisco he came home to Texas and left for a cross country trip up to Utah. He arrived in winter with no place to stay. After time he secured an apartment, a job, school classes, and a girlfriend. He married the girl two years later in the Salt Lake City Temple.

A year a half after that their first daughter was born. After giving up the rock star dream Ben decided to look into political science and journalism. Wanting to put family first though he called and interviewed several journalists. They all said the same thing, long hours and you never see your family. He gave up that dream and went into geology. Working eight hour night shifts at UPS he would come home, get two hours of sleep, and then leave for a full schedule of classes in the morning. He managed to graduate at the University of Utah with his Bachelor of Geology degree, have daughter number two and get accepted for a Master's Degree at the University of Texas in Austin.
Even though his Masters required long weeks, weekends, and field work Ben never put his family second. His third daughter was born in Austin and a week later he lost a brother-in-law. He still managed to be there for his wife, finish his degree, and make each daughter feel like a princess.

He accepted a job at ConocoPhillips in 2007, moved to Houston and had daughter number four. With all these daughters he still smiles every day.
Now, ten years after it all began Ben is the kind of man who upholds his priesthood, reads to the kids before putting them to bed at night, and buys his wife flowers on occasion. He has sacrificed dreams, hobbies, and goals to spend time with his daughters and help his wife with the dishes.

Personally, I think he is amazing. Happy Birthday Ben. I can't imagine my life without you.


Becky said...

Happy Birthday Ben,
Have fun in Europe! I hope that you get to be the kind of man you want to be and still have a few dreams come through. I can't imagine our family without you. Yes you truly are amazing, and with child 5 on the way, just keep smiling. I think it's funny that when Tonia got all emotional that she cried cause she thought that I loved you more. I have to admit, it is hard not to just love you to death. I hope this is a wonderful year for you.
Love Becky

House Hunters Real Estate Magazine said...

Happy Birthday Ben! We love you and hope you have a great weekend,

Kent, Carly, and Braelynn

M and W said...

He is one cool dude. I've always looked up to him. (don't tell him though ;)

M and W said...
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Melissa said...

We agree, Ben is great! Happy Birthday.

Catherine said...

Ben, you're the man. I l like to see that there are good guys like you around - making their families priority #1 . . . (as it should be, yet so uncommon)

Nice post, Tonia. Ben and Matt sound alot alike. They should hang out more . . . Matt is not as nerdy as he looks :)

Catherine said...

Ben, you're the man. I l like to see that there are good guys like you around - making their families priority #1 . . . (as it should be, yet so uncommon)

Nice post, Tonia. Ben and Matt sound alot alike. They should hang out more . . . Matt is not as nerdy as he looks :)

Callie said...

Happy Birthday! Drink a cold Dr. Pepper for us (of course in a glass bottle) :)

Audrey said...

Happy Birthday, Ben! Your gift will be late, but it'll be worth it--I promise!!

Anonymous said...

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Anna said...

Happy Birthday, Ben!!!!

You don't look a day past 35!