Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am here to issue an apology. I believe that the last time I changed the background on my blog I told my SIL, Anna, that I did not like white. Anna's blog is a white background. It was simply because my pictures seemed to be accented better against browns and blacks (which is laughable because right now I can't get my pictures to go from my camera to my computer). I am here to apologize. If I have to write one more post in white or blue I just might scream. White or light backgrounds are better. Black shows up. I like to be able to write them and post them.

Besides my background problems I can also never quite figure out what to post. This blog started as a way to post pics for distant relatives. Pretty soon those, 'write your fav movie lines and see who can guess' popped in. I have toyed with the idea of posting our homeschool days (you are suppose to keep track of what you do in case 'they' show up....still not sure who 'they' are). I have read and heard of blogs that are witty, political, practical, journals of daily life, nothing but pictures, and everything else under the sun. I love reading my friend's blogs. One of these days I will take the time to figure it out. In the meantime, I think I might get the pics to computer problem fixed. While I do that take the time to leave a comment and let me know what your favorite blogs consist of.


Melissa said...

I just like knowing what you and the family are doing...and about your plans to come visit me ;)

Anna said...

Mine consist of apologies to me. :) YES!

I also like blogs bout myself. I'm so cool I think everyone should post about me.

Ha. For reals.. I like reading what you do. I laughed at the post office one, Its nice to know things like that don't just happen to me.. I like seeing pictures of the kids and what they're doing. I like to see if someone made a cool project and shared it with everyone else. I like stories..

Love the Valentine blog, by the way.

Does that help?

And I've had like 20 people volunteer to take the dog-you're off the hook!

Audrey said...

Pictures, pictures, pictures. I love hearing about the kids--the cute things they do and funny things they say. Pregnancy updates are nice, and every once in a while, I like to know that Ben is being sweet to you!