Sunday, February 28, 2010

What We Do When Ben is Gone

I was going to find a picture of a messy room (Ben has the camera) to post here and write a cute little blurb about how I tend to do projects when Ben is gone and ignore the house but I soon found that if you type dirty into a search engine you come up with a lot of stuff you didn't want. The need to search left me and so this post is picture less. Too bad. Pictures would have been cute. For instance, right now I have no living room floor. It is covered in puzzles, and crayons, and stuffed animals, and castle toys, and who knows what. If you walked into my house right now the first thing you would think would be, 'wow, this lady is not a good housekeeper,' which just isn't true. I am a mediocre housekeeper. I would then lead you carefully (look out for the legos, they hurt) over to my pantry and kitchen cabinets and open them with a relish to which you would see that everything was covered in contact paper and wiped up and organized and seeable. (Hmmm, it is saying seeable is not a word but I'm going to keep it). You would realize that I am able to clean, just not in places you can see. Tomorrow I will organize kid's clothing. The day after that I might clean out the attic space. Have no fear though. The day before Ben gets home all the dishes will be washed, the laundry folded, the toys picked up and the floor mopped. Until then please make an appointment if you would like to come over. I do have a little bit of pride left ;)


Audrey said...

I did the same thing when looking for a picture to post about how awful my house looked at the time! I quickly learned that "messy" is a more appropriate term!!

Alison said...

I love it! I do the same thing. I usually do my quick straightening rush at 4:30, just before Doug's supposed to be getting home.

Becky said...

Is Ben out of town often?
Just kidding, only your mom can get away with saying that, and you won't hate me cause I babysit and send presents

Anonymous said...

From turkey: how much do you want for your women? They are the best cleaners, and ı sell you carpet to hıde all toys- no problem

sarah said...

Look at you on number five! I can't believe it! Tom is not as fortunate to have someone who cleans up their project messes--Ben is lucky!

Geoffrey said...

That's funny Tonia. I am just about to start a complete overhaul on my house, except I'm making Geoff help me before he leaves for 3 months!

M and W said...

You know what we did when Ben was gone? We raided his room.