Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Love Spring

I love spring weather. I love the trees just starting to sprout green. I love the flowers popping up. I love that my girls would rather be outside than in. I love that the weather makes me want to get out and do something.
What I don't love is the pollen that suddenly drops all in one night and covers our cars, house, yard, bikes, and everything in a yellow dust.


Audrey said...

My parents have the same problem with their Cottonwood trees. For three weeks out of the year it's hard to visit them because you come home with a car (and clothing) full of cotton and cotton seeds!!

M and W said...

I always hated being part of the pine tree's mating ritual.

Anonymous said...


Anna said...

Chunky hates pollen-he's allergic to it. All he does is sneeze and get squinty eyes.

Hooray for Spriiiiiiiiiiiing!