Friday, April 16, 2010

Beautiful Moments

A few days ago we got a call that asked us if we could participate in a program being given for Enrichment. It was about the temple and we would be a family who were waiting on the other side for our temple work to be done. The family who was going to do it had backed out so it was last minute and because of hectic schedules we didn't even look at the script until the day of. Dressed in loaned 1800's Swedish dress we went to the chapel and sat in out assigned seats behind the podium. One by one someone would go up to the podium, explain who they were, give a little history, and ask if someone had their name. Someone in the audience would then stand up to say they had it or else the person had to sit back down to 'wait'. We were the last ones to go up. Ben and I took our children to the podium and I started reading the script about how I was a woman born Sweden in the late 1700's. I described how we washed clothes in the stream twice a year and the cold would freeze the dresses. I talked about my lovely family of children. Then I got to the part where I, my daughter, and my husband had died of cholera leaving our other children behind as orphans. Unable to raise them to adulthood we were together in the spirit world wanting desperately to be a family forever. Ben got up and started asking who had our names. Someone had mine and I kissed my children to go into the audience. Two others also had names for our children and they got to go down and sit in the audience. Eliora (now Olga) got called but no one had her name. Ben turned to Eliora and said that perhaps they would be able to wait together until someone found their names. Eliora replied that Ben had not asked if anyone had his name yet. Someone did and he walked down to join the audience while Eliora was escorted back to her seat behind the podium. It was both sad and touching but what made the moment sweet was when Sadie suddenly realized that Eliora would not be joining us. She started crying almost hysterically and asking for Eliora. With the music, dimmed lights, and everyone in costume she didn't fully understand that it was a play. She was sure Eliora could not go home with us. Luckily it was the end and Eliora was able to rejoin our family shortly. I don't think I was the only one who got teary eyed though. I also think I might set a date to attend the temple.


Audrey said...

How sweet! It's amazing that even a four-year-old knows that things just wouldn't be the same if we were missing even one member of our families.

Keeping up with the Burtons said...

That's beautiful Tonia. I am sure your kiddos' testimonies were strengthened that day as well!

M and W said...

I love Sadie! You have the sweetest kids ever!

Tiffany said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. that really is touching