Tuesday, April 6, 2010


If you haven't already seen we are having a little girl join our family in September. Since most of you know that we were trying for a boy I wanted to let everyone know that we are excited about it. When we made the decision to have another little person join our family Ben and I both knew that the gender could go either way. In fact, I think it's a bit of a relief. I would have felt kind of guilty bringing a boy into our sea of pink and I'm not sure I would have known what to do with him.
Our biggest concern at this point is choosing another name. We had a hard time with Abigail (who in fact came home without a name) and could use a few suggestions. I am thinking we need another consonant since three of our girls have names that start with vowels and it has to go with Davis. So Mavis is out. Ben thinks he wants a P.H.D. initial for obvious reasons. Not so sure about that.


Audrey said...

Phoenix Hazel Davis. There, I used Ben's initials, and it's not half bad. Like I told you on the phone, if it were me, I would call her Nixy. ;)

Tiffany said...

We of course vote for Leah Tiffany Davis ;)

L.T.D. like limited edition!

Audrey said...

Piper Halle (you know, like Hale Berry) Davis. I am on a ROLL!!

Anonymous said...

How about Harley

Anna said...

How about ...

Rebecca Lynn...

Or Marla Ann

Or Bethany Arlene?

Anonymous said...

how about Rebecca Shirley

Melissa said...

I feel the same...I wouldn't even know where to start with a girl now! Our two girls names have been Abigail and Hazelbeth or just Beth but you already have Abigail :) We haven't spent a lot time of girl names :) I also like Maren, Maisie, Jane, Cora.

Anonymous said...

missy lou, or Laurie sue, or Carla Boo

Anonymous said...

kiley, or Lilly, or Daisy

Lanae said...

I'm so excited for you! I think we're in the same boat - so far we have 3 boys so I'm sure if we had one or two more... they'd all be boys.
There are so many cute girl names... I'm sure you'll pick a great one. Congrats!

Becky said...

how about Samatha "Sam", Alexia "Alex", Ryan, Jamie, Josephine "Joe"
(little women,cute), you know she has to be a tom boy, it is the only way you are going to get close to a boy! Or you could name her Kaylanie!!!

Vivian said...

Penelope Helen.
Paige Harmony.
Pearl Honor.
Peyton Hannah.

and my favorite:

Pinkie Haiku.

seriously, though, congrats and good luck!