Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Conversations

This morning over breakfast my vegetarian daughter asked me why people shoot animals in the spring when it could be a mom who has a baby. I told her I didn't think spring was really the hunting season, more people go hunting in the fall. She asked why and I told her that historically the winter was coming and people can't grow crops in the snow so they hunted before winter and cured the meat to have it when they didn't have as many fresh fruits and veggies. She told me we live in Texas and it doesn't snow and I can grow gardens year round. Hmmm, she does have a point. I'm still making chicken enchiladas for dinner tomorrow though.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Let Eliora plant her very own garden. Let her pick what goes in it and let her be responsible for it's total care. Being a vegetarian, let her experience the joy that goes into growing her own food, harvesting it, and eating it. I will eat out of Eliora's garden anytime, but I might sneak one bite of the enchiladas.