Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 Years

Last night Ben and I went out to dinner to celebrate our ten year anniversary. We got to reminisce the good, the hard, the beautiful, and the humorous. We talked about our wedding day,our honeymoon, early apartments and jobs, amazing friends, moves, school, tragedies, births, starting careers and our plans for the future. Basically I don't think there is too much we would have changed. He asked me what one of my favorite memories were. It was right after I had Eliora. I woke up in the middle of the night in the hospital bed with Ben asleep on the little uncomfortable couch next to me. Eliora was less than 12 hours old and asleep on his chest. She had woken up and knowing that I had just nursed her he had rocked her back to sleep. I'm sure the nurses would not have approved but it completely sums up the kind of man Ben is. I asked him what his best memory was. He said it was the first time I came out of the shower and he realized he was allowed to look. Well, he's still a good guy ;)

Thanks to everyone who has helped make the memories. We love you all.


Audrey said...

Happy Anniversary, guys!! We love you!

M and W said...

Happy Anniversary! My favorite memory of you guys is when I went up during the Olympics and got to hang out with ya'll!

Melissa said...

Happy Anniversary!

Marci said...

those memories are classic....happy 10 years!

Geoffrey said...

Happy Anniversary and hope your next 10 will be even better than the first.

Becky said...

10 years,5 kids,1 mortgage,2 cars,1 cat,great job, great extended families, what more could you ask for.

Catherine said...

Congrats, again. That was a great post. Made me laugh.