Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hannah Claire Davis Has Arrived!

6 pds. 3 oz and 18 inches long. She was born 12:34 am on Aug. 24th. She was 37 weeks and so a little earlier than expected. She was also a lot longer labor than I am use to, posterior, and with her head turned at a funky angle (I have since learned this is called star gazing). We are sure this is the most trouble she will ever cause though and from now on be a perfect angel. She is nursing like a pro and her sisters are delighted. Hopefully I will post the three zillion other pics we took sometime tonight or tomorrow. Thanks to Terry for the camera rescue!
After much debate on what her name should be we finally decided to let Audrey have her way and name her Hannah. Good thing we like the know, since it is Audrey's middle name. Before you think we are nuts there is a reason for it. Little Hannah Claire happened to be born on Audrey's birthday. Whether or not we end up calling her Hannah or Claire will be decided in the next few weeks. We're just happy we got something on the birth certificate ;)


Audrey said...

Congratulations, guys! I love the name, and can't wait to hear what you decide to call her!!

katharine said...

another beautiful daughter! great work :)

Becky said...

I am so proud of your little family. It is times like this that I am sure God looks down at what is going on with our world,and thinks 'the Davis family is doing fine so maybe there is hope for the rest of the world'. I know that my beautiful grandchildren make me feel that way everyday. I am so happy that all went well and I can't wait to come see her and spend time with my other littles.

M and W said...

I'm SO excited to an aunt again!!!!!! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Catherine said...

she is so beautiful. And looks so peaceful. Congratulations and enjoy every little thing about her!

Keith and Laura said...

Congratulations! I found your blog on Ostlers blog. It is fun to see your cute family.

Tonia said...

Laura! Do you guys have a blog? If you do it won't let me access it. I would love to hear how you guys are doing!