Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Fun so Far

At the scout jamboree to see the world record be broken by shooting off the most rockets at once. Only Ben would take five girls to a scouting event.

Wednesday arrived and Grandma brought lots of fun toys. You can make really cool stuff out these things.
Grandma also means delicious goodies. This one we bought at the store. Who knew that chocolate covered apples could taste so good. We are going to make some later.The next weekend was spent at a ranch with a rope swing. The pygmy goats were cute.

All this fun wears us out though.

More yummy goodies. Tombstone cupcakes

Hannah Claire in her blessing dress. It has been worn by all five girls.

Days at the zoo and blessings wear out Grandpa Roundy too.
At Le Madeline.
We were very sophisticated and put our pinkies up while eating the strawberries and drinking lemonade.


M and W said...

Lol, only Ben would take five girls to a Scouting event but I bet they had fun. I love the pictures! It looks like you've had a fun month! (Happy late Birthday!)

Corrine said...

ilove the sleeping picture. the girls are growing up so much

Anna said...

COuldn't you just eat 100 of those La Madeline desserts?