Monday, November 29, 2010

The 29th or the 30th?

He was just cool enough for two birthdays.
Every year I think about what we would have done, talked about, and liked. This year it would have been long phone conversations of me complaining about being pregnant and him telling me to go ahead and eat the chocolate. It would have been figuring out how to fly him down for Hannah's blessing. The final installments of Harry Potter and how lame it is that we have to wait until summer to really see the end. Lady Gaga and all her dramatics plus the fact that my kids know one of her songs. It would have been him getting mom's cannolli recipe for me.
Every year the list adds up. I think if I had one more phone conversation though I might tell him that there is still a hole. That I'm still a little mad. That I will always love him.
Happy Birthday Nate.


M and W said...

So sweet.

Becky said...

The hole never seems to get smaller either. I miss him every day. I often wonder how many times he has wished he would have stayed. If I could have known what was in store I never would have let him out of my sight. I know he was grown, and made his own decisions, but he was still my little boy, and I miss him so much. I love you Nate. Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Tears are welling up in my eyes as I read this