Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eliora is Nine !!!

Eliora's Birthday Interview
How old are you today?
Where were you born?
What is your favorite color?
Umm, I have always liked all the colors but I've liked pink and purple the best.
What is your favorite movie?
Umm, I don't know. Something besides Barbie. (Her little sister always wants to watch Barbie) I like Robots. I like the more grown up movies now that I am nine. I like the first Harry Potter. That movie...whats it called? I know I like it. What's that movie, the one where the farmers and then one of them becomes a princess and another becomes a pirate and they get captured.
The Princess Bride
Yeah, the Princess Bride
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ummm, I have always like animals. I have always helped mom so I think I would be good as a mom. I have always wondered what it would be like to be in outer space. I want to take a moon bounce to the moon. It would be extra bouncy. That would be funny.
What is your favorite toy?
Ever since I got Hugo, the dragon (webkinz) I have liked him. I like elephants. I really like all my toys. The magnets are really cool and I bet I will like the present Grandma Roundy sent me.
What is your favorite subject?
What's a subject?
Favorite school activity.
Ohhhh, I have always liked the history projects and science. I LOVE reading. Math (shakes her hand back and forth), it depends on my mood.
Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Probably talk to mom. I have always liked spending time with grown ups. Maybe reading a book that I want to. Going to get Hannah. Like I should right now, cause she's crying...(she leaves to get Hannah)
(Get back) This is what I mean when I talk about helping mom.
You're a good kid.
Thank you.
What do you want for Christmas?
Every since I saw that movie, the one about the boy who goes to the north pole, I have wanted a bell from Santa to see if I really believe in him. When people get older they start to not believe in fairies or Santa.
Do you think you believe in Santa Claus?
YES. You have to believe.
What was your favorite thing about this past year?
I don't know. When Grandma Roundy was with us. When Hannah was born. Remember that time when we went to the sleepover at Grandma Davis house? That was fun. I got to stay up until one or two in the morning. Then I had to go to sleep. Swim team was fun. I was good at backstroke. It was like relaxation. For swimming you have to be strong, and not scared, and hold your breathe.
What is one thing you would like to do this next year?
Ride on a ferris wheel so I can see the traffic down below and feel how high you are. Stay up late and watch Psyche with mom and dad.
Hmmm, we have to watch them first.
I could just stay up tonight. I wouldn't have to watch Psyche.....


Audrey said...

Eliora, you are definitely growing up!!

Becky said...

Eliora, your scrapbooks are wonderful, and I am so proud of what a spectacular 9 year old you are. Always remember you are the grandest granddaughter. I am making braided Swiss Bread today, and I wish you were here to help me. Have a wonderful Birthday. I love you so much.
Grandma Roundy

Teresa said...

Happy Birthday, Eliora! Wow, 9 years old already. Time flies when you're having fun and the next thing you know you're going to be 18!!! Don't grow up too fast, you're perfect as you are. Great job on the scrapbooking, you're going to have to show me how you do that. Love, Grandma Davis

Audrey said...

I love this! What a fun girl! We need to get her and Linden together sometime!!

Catherine said...

very cute. I like the part, "what's a subject?" the best.
I'm hoping that Allison is as good of a big-sister-helper and babysitter as Eliora is . . . . when our new little guy comes!