Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

She was the one who listened to cooler music than I did as a kid. She drove a Jeep Wrangler and loved the beach. She woke me up for late night trips to Jack in the Box for the spicy tacos and then we would stay up watching our movies (the ones the boys didn't like). We took long walks at night where I would talk her ear off about school, friends, and I don't even remember what else. We have inside jokes about french fries and fruit. She taught me how to drive, how to shave my legs, and how to jump off a cliff. She is both an extravert and an introvert. She lets me not take myself too seriously and always tells me that my kids are perfect. I think that she has always felt that somehow she is not enough but for this birthday I want to tell her that she is, and I could never imagine my life without her.

I love you Mom.

Happy Birthday


Becky said...

I love you so much, Thank you for being my daughter

Anna said...

Happy birthday to Becky!