Friday, February 18, 2011

Scheduled Homeschool Days

 In the past I have had our homeschool schedules down in my own lesson plan book. I open it and orchestrate the day. Lately however I have realized that a lot of the older girl's work could be getting done sooner if they knew what they were doing beforehand without having to ask. Last sick day we created the binders. Yesterday we put them to use. The one on the left is Eliora's. She opened it in the morning to to a list of subjects that needed doing and a checkbox next to each item once it was done. Worksheets were in the front, when they were finished they moved to the back for me to pull out, grade, and file. She still had to wait to do some of it with either myself or Audrey but overall I think I'm going to like the new system.

 This was the history project for the day. The chapter was on the African Zulu tribes. Without written communication they used beads to send messages. Each color meant something different. An hour after the project I was presented with a beaded message and cipher asking if they could have the leftover Valentine chocolate.

We do our spelling tests in salt on baking sheets. Audrey has vastly improved since we started doing it this way. I got the idea from a mom who also has a dyslexic child. I think she got it from Montessori. Don't ever leave it unattended around a three year old!

Eliora doing her practice for voice class on my bed. What did we do before the ipod?

An hour of reading a day. Right now she is working her way through the Dragon Series by Patricia Wrede.

Audrey doing cursive practice before moving on to math worksheets.

1 comment:

M and W said...

How do they like the books?