Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sick Days

I'm pretty sure that at least one of my kids have been sick since Dec. 26th. It was inevitable that I would finally catch something. In truth I didn't feel well all last week. Friday night I finally felt justified by runnning a temperature. Then I felt better. By Monday though it was back to a runny nose and sore throat. Now the temperature is back. I hate being sorta sick. If its going to happen I want the all out, get in bed, tell the hubby to take off work and crash kind of sick. The kind where you feel horrible for 24 hours and then it is done. These lingering, slightly achy, stuffed head, two weeks things are not for me. So come on sickness! Just get it all over with already! My poor kiddos....they keep getting sorta sick too.

Oh the meantime we have spent the last two days alternating between lighting the fire to ward off the chills from the fevers and opening all the windows when we get too hot. This is usually when we ignore the dishes, pretend the laundry isn't there, and catch up on crafty type projects.
 Making binders for the kids schoolwork
                           I thought it might be easier to have a place where I can put the days worksheets, coloring pages, etc. so all they have to do in the morning is grab and go! Then at night I can gather the bookreports, letters, math worksheets and the like to grade and file.
We have also been collecting songs on Itunes and are on our way to purchase a docking station for the ipod. We have our classical playlist for study work, our cleaning playlist to get us going, and the girl's voiceclass playlists for practice. If anyone knows of good upbeat songs for the kids to listen to in the morning then please share them!


katharine said...

no fun having sick kids! hope everyone shapes up sooN :)

Ani said...

They Might Be Giants' Here Comes Science CD. Love it. Understand the sick thing. Typing one-handed while holding a 3 yr old with 102 temp. Hope you get better soon!