Yesterday, as things started to wind down, I thought it would be fun to grab the camera and get a few shots of the everyday.
Audrey finishing her math review work on the computer. They earn badges for each topic mastered so it's not unusual in our house to hear, "Mom, I just got the cupcake badge." To which I reply, "Ummm, okay honey." |
Eliora and Sadie helping toast bread for the BLT's we are having for dinner. Ignore the arm tattoo that Eliora is sporting. It was unsanctioned. |
Hannah is at the age were she tries to say cheese when she sees a camera. She also tries to climb, grab, push, cut, and do anything else she sees her older sisters doing. |
While making dinner Abby found a toy catalog and sat down to find gifts she wants for her birthday in 9 months. |
This is her circling them in case we didn't hear her calling them out. |
Audrey finally finished up and rescued Hannah from the greasy frying pan of bacon. |
Yeah, also ignore the bottle full of Kool-Aid. It was also not sanctioned. The little rebel. |
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