Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Tiffany!

 This is Tiffany Ivanovsky. I am pretty sure yesterday was her birthday and I am pretty sure I missed it despite the fact that my other sister-in-law reminded me about it. The truly sad part about this is that out of all the people on this green earth I know Tiffany is one of those that deserves trumpets, a parade, and all the fanfare you can muster. Why? She is awesome. True Story.
I mean seriously - look at this family. Seven talented, gorgeous kids. And look at her. Stunningly beautiful. And style? If I could take ANYONE shopping with me it would be her. She has an eye for what looks good.  And if being an amazing mom to this bunch and looking this good isn't enough she also does stuff like this....

This is her coupon blog. Did I say blog? I meant HUGE webpage with links, ideas, recipes, and little stories about her life that make you smile. She has been featured on TLC, news stations, newspapers, magazines, and who knows where else. I have been with her couponing in a store. The girl is a genious - and she's not annoying about it. She is NOT the one who buys dozens of mustard bottles even though her husband doesn't like mustard. She is the one who will save you TONS of money. And that's not her only job. She also runs a preschool.
In case the coupon website, job, and being a mom of seven didn't take up enough of her time she also gets really involved in charity work. Major fires in Texas? She organizes for companies to donate supplies to take out to the firefighters? Major Tornadoes in another state? She gathers up donations of food and emergency supplies for her husband and son to drive out there. I think of all the great stuff I could be doing with my kids to teach them charity. Tiffany actually does it.

This cool looking treetop gazebo? The pics I have don't do it justice. It is actually two houses/cabins up in the trees with walkways connecting everything together. It was where we spent Christmas this year. Tiffany found and reserved it for the family to get together. It was a blast. Cousins piled in overhead lofts, deer visiting outside on Christmas Eve, and a naughty elf who toilet papered the tree before he left for the north pole. If there is a holiday, birthday, or any major event I want to be wherever Tiffany is. She finds the best spots and makes it fun. She also makes amazing food to feed us. Easter was just as cool. Place right next to the river to go tubing. I have no idea how she finds these places - usually getting them on a discount.
Then she makes stuff like this. SO CUTE! See those little baby prints? Those are my oldest daughter's prints when she was under a year old. And the writing? Seriously, who writes that well? Basically if Tiffany sees it she can make it. Some of my favorite gifts have been from her. Wall hangings, advent calendars, silver jewerly....all looking like they came from Pottery Barn. She also cuts hair - although when she gets out the scissors lines tend to form.

So Tiffany, Happy Birthday. I'm sorry I missed it. I want you to know though how much I admire you. You have always been one those that I look up to. Thanks for being a great example to me. From you I have learned to laugh through the trials, to not be scared to try new things, to show people I love them through the service I do, and to shop online in my pjs on black friday.

Thanks for always putting yourself on the backburner whenever I found out I was pregnant at the same time as you.

Thanks for always being willing to watch my kids, no matter how many of them there were and no matter how long they screamed while you had them.

Thanks for being a friend as well as a sister-in- law.

I hope you had a great day despite the craziness of trying to get a trip together to China.

Love ya lots.


Anonymous said...

Tiffany is Awesome! True Story.

Tiffany said...

Seriously, I am just trying my hardest to keep up with you... I can't even homeschool my kids. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said. I love you so much, I totaly forget you are not my sister and that I am actually related to Ben by blood. I am so greatful you are part of my family. Thanks for watching my kids :)