Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Am Not Going To Cry

 Do you see this girl? This is my right hand man, my go-to girl and today is her first day of school. No, really, the first day EVER. But I'm not going to cry.
  Since this kid was five I have been homeschooling her. There are have been lots of giggles, smiles, days of pajamas, a few tears, proud moments, messes, and fun. I have loved every single stinkin second. Even the bad ones.
 Today Eliora starts at Midland Classical Academy. It is a three day a week school, so I guess I still get to see her on the off days while she sits at her desk at home and studies.  Do you see that backpack. It's huge. It's heavy. It has to be on wheels cause you can't lift it. It has a grammer book the size of an encyclopedia. She also has to take Latin. And spanish. And a math level that is a grade higher than she actually is. You have to test into this school. I'm so not going to cry.....
 But you see, I'm so proud of this kid. She is just so sweet and smart and beautiful and totally awesome.
So today I dropped her off. I took the camera just in case but when we got to her classroom the teacher was showing her what she missed (she started a little late) and two girls came up to say hi and one of them was squealing because she discovered their desks were all together and so I kept the camera in my pocket, gave my kid a HUGE hug and left.
Then I went ahead and cried on the way home....just a little.


Col Sanders said...

Aawwwwwww.. She will do great, brilliant child just like her parents.

Erica Huff said...

She will do great - and so will you! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Good luck to both of you!

Melissa said...

:) If only things go easier as they got older but seems like it just as hard...It looks like she'll have a great time!