Monday, October 20, 2008

Nooooo photos.......

So all this week I have been doing all this great stuff and then taking pictures and then thinking that I might just blog about it but then thinking I would wait until I had more time to load and actually sort through the 300 plus pictures on the camera and what you see is the result. So, pics of Roman and Celt battles, Abbey doing adorable things, and the new kitten we acquired are going to have to wait until later. In the meantime I will tell you my embarrassing story.

Friday was Education Days which means in the world of homeschooling that you drive 45 minutes to a place where your kids get to sit at desks and talk to other kids and get something that the outside world calls 'socialization'. I was there and for once was not teaching or being a parent helper in any of the classes and Sadie went to the nursery just fine and Abbey was being all cute so I was having a great day just hanging out and doing what the inside world calls 'socialization'. (No, I don't know what the inside world is; I just suspect that it has something to do with moms who stay home all day and are about to go nuts unless they get to talk to someone over 5 feet tall).
Anyhow, the day was over and a huge success and I was heading over to the elevator with Abbey on one hip and Sadie on the other and a diaper bag loaded down with things like Sadie's rest time pillow and blanket when I saw the elevator door closing. I immediately thought, 'wait, I might have to stand here an extra 5 minutes if you leave without me' and so reached my foot out to stop the door and have it open back up for me and my four children who of course will all fit. That was the plan. What happened was that the door kept closing and my foot was still there and I was trying very hard not to fall over. All the time the elevator door was trying to close and my ankle was all twisted up and my kids were falling off my hips and my other kids were developing permanent phobias of elevators. I ended up having to get help in order to pull it out of the door. Soooo.....if you ever think that those little sensors that are suppose to make the door re-open will always work, think again. Trust me, the extra five minutes won't kill ya.
p.s. the foot in question is not broken, that only happens to my pride.


Anonymous said...

T-minus 4 days till Tonia's birthday everyone get excited

Audrey said...

Sorry about the elevator door! That sucks. The only thing that could make it worse is if there were tons of people around watching you juggle the kids and fight with an elevator!

Such a great mental picture!

Syden said...

T-minus 3 days till Tonia's birthday (Her favorite cake has cream cheese frosting)only 3 shopping days left people!!!

katharine said...

well, at least you got that all-important 'socialization' :)

Anna said...

Haha oh man. I'm at work and started reading your story and got half way done when someone walked in so I had to shut the window. The suspense almost killed me.

Corrine said...

elevators are dangerous, we have some in our building and Emily got her arms squeezed back in one as it opened, not fun....glad your foot is ok...were there people in the elevator?? Did they not push the door open for you?