Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eliora's Party

A 'Jack' webkinz present

Audrey showing off a cupcake

Eliora showing off a cupcake


Dad is out of town, Thanksgiving is next week, we didn't do it earlier and so yesterday we decided to have a no frills, no hassle, birthday party for Eliora. She invited four friends (I made sure everyone could come) and we gave them kitty cat faces, decorated cupcakes into kittens, rolled out a large sheet of paper and had them color and do stickers and played old fashioned games like musical chairs. I think I might do a party like this every year.


Corrine said...

simple is the best, and they have fun! and you do too! happy birthday Eliora, when does ben get back?

Tonia said...

Just got back today! Yeah!