Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Anna Banana!

This is the one and only Anna Banana (now get the theme song stuck in your head about marching down the stairs). She is stuck out in Arizona and missed Thanksgiving, her birthday and shopping with Tiff, Terry and I due to a broken down car. We even had a present for her. My kids have been driving me nuts asking when she is getting here. So Anna, if you are reading this, then let us know your favorite cake and balloon color we can celebrate once you get a competent mechanic. (Oh, and we did try calling on your birthday but you didn't answer the phone :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

IT's my bIrThDay!!! I was totally sad that I wasn't home-Jeff was too because he heard our family makes killer pie and he wanted some so bad. WE're being treated well here but man do we wanna get to Texas.

I called you like two min after you left me a voice mail but it went straight to yours. My phone missed two calls that day and went straight to VM for no reason at all it was so weird but thanks so much you mean so much to me!