Friday, November 21, 2008

Surprise, Surprise

As posted earlier my wonderful husband Ben is gone this week :( so I decided to start projects that will keep me occupied. The first was to paint one wall in the office downstairs burnt orange as a surprise. The missionaries came over to help. This is Elder Keller who has never painted before as we figured out after about 5 minutes. He did great though after we showed him 'up and down, up and down'.
The girls tried very hard to stay out of the way. Luckily, Kung Fu Panda came out so most of the time they were occupied with that.
Elder Perry is our poor missionary who has been here three transfers so far and is probably getting sick of us by now. (Just don't ask him about his girlfriend) He is also an artist and did the Longhorn stencil.
Here he is showing off. He is good at that. I have to say though, that Longhorn is drawn freehand. Not bad.
So at this moment the paint is drying and I am going to try and throw on a quick second coat and get everything put back together before Monday. Hopefully, I will have a picture of a finished product by then!


Melissa said...

Tonia...that is so cool. We've been dreaming up our Texas themed room too. I saw a really cool version of the Texas flag with a longhorn that John wanted...someday when he has a job and we have a house instead of glorified camping... ;)

katharine said...

you sure are ambitious! looks great too!

Corrine said...

very cute and cool! love it can't wait to see the finished product.

Audrey said...

That looks like tons of fun, and more work than it's worth trying to keep four little girls out of the way!

Marci said...

i think its great that you are willing to paint a room burnt our house it would be opposite, I would leave and come back to an orange room. Hook 'em horns!

Marci said...

p.s. I was at walmart today and saw a package of 1201 stickers and giggled.

Callie said...

Looks great! I am sure Ben will appreciate your fine work! So when are you going to paint the other wall red with a big U? :)

Anna said...

Tonia-I'm so proud I could cry! *sniffle*