Monday, November 3, 2008


8's (none of these are in any particular order)

8 TV shows I love to watch:

1. The Office
3. Scrubs
4. Throwdown
5. Iron Chef
6. Avatar
7. Mythbusters
8. Brian Reagan live (yeah, not a TV show, but I can't think of another one)

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. Skeeters
2. Chipolte
3. Roadsters
4. Chik-Fil-A
5. Panda Express
6. Baxters
7. Whole Foods cafe
8. Amy's Ice Cream

8 Things I Did Yesterday: (my mom is here so this isn't typical)

1. went to the zoo
2. made dinner
3. laundry
4. went to a fabric store
5. grocery shopping
6. ran around a water fountain with my kids while eating ice cream
7. returned missionaries bikes with Ben and then walked home
8. checked my e-mail

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1. Getting the upstairs room done
2. Eliora's birthday
3. restarting full home school days (really!)
4. having my homeschool room organized
5. Christmas
6. Spring trip to Utah
7. planting a garden
8. finishing my Washington Irving book

8 Things I Love About THIS Fall:

1. Cooler weather
2. having my mom here
3. getting more involved in the election
4. having fires in the fireplace
5. watching Abbey learn to crawl
6. being in my new house
7. my kids asking if they can go outside
8. long sleeve shirts

8 Things On My Wish List:

1. More patience, energy, and time
2. A maid
3. two or three paid vacations a year where we travel around the world
4. Really good books to read
5. knowing where my keys, wallet etc. are at all times
6. cooking classes
7. The rest of my kids would potty train themselves.
8. healthy fit body

8 People I Tag: Anna, Katie, Whitney, Terry, Marci, Melissa, Corrine, Katherine

1 comment:

Corrine said...

fun, thanks for the tag.