Monday, December 8, 2008

Audrey Beebe

Big Audrey and Little Audrey

In a week I have this amazing friend coming to take our family pictures (isn't that a great excuse!) and I should be getting all the stuff done around the house before she gets here but I am excited enough that it is making me a little scatterbrained so I decided to post all the things I want to do while she is here.

  • Girl's night complete with full manicures, pedicures, chocolate, and girl movies. (I'm thinking Pride and Prejudice or A Walk to Remember)
  • NASA
  • Zoo
  • Houston Museum of Natural Science complete with IMAX and butterfly exhibit
  • Christmas lights
  • lots of reminiscing about Mr. Plate and family, canoe trips where we had to carry the canoes, how Eliora use to get jealous of her around Enos, etc.
  • Fine Arts museum
  • Going out to a really good barbeque restaurant
  • Going to an opera, symphony, or play
  • Brazos Bend
  • Moody Gardens
  • Arboreteum
  • Lots of time with her daughter Rora so I can get to know her!
  • walk to the playground
  • Outlet malls
  • Taking her to the grocery store with me while Ben watches the kids so we can take our time, walk up and down all the aisles, and use coupons
  • Show off our new house
  • Make fudge, cookies, or something equally unhealthy
  • make chow mein while she stands there 'cause mine never tastes like hers!
  • Get her to say Y'all once spontaneously before she goes home.
Okay, in retrospect she is only here for four days and that includes the flying in and out so chances are we can't do everything I want to. Might have to save some of those day trips for another time.....unless I can sabatoge the plane.....


Audrey said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad to see that you're at least half as excited as I am that we get to spend some time together!!

I can't wait.

I was going to make a paper chain for Christmas, but I think I'll just make one for my trip, instead!

Anna said...

Haha I might invite myself and my camera to some of these events-way more exciting than unpacking and job hunting!!!

Hooray! Audrey gets to come to Texas!