Monday, December 22, 2008

A Day in the Life of Audrey Beebe

An Adventure in Pictures

Made it to Houston after a twelve hour trip on standby. Rora acted with all charm and decorum. Got to sample New York style pizza.
Showed the Davis girls the dolls made for them. Found out that Sadie has a personality on her. Everything was okay after a slight wardrobe change. Got to meet Jeff and see Anna again. Went shopping with 'the girls' and the babies. Left Rora's favorite blanket at the mall. Hmmmm, sleeping without the blankie should be fun. Was going to take pictures the next day when Ben was off work but he took the older girls to see the movie Bolt and it was too cold by the time he got back. Got to go grocery shopping.

Girl's Night Movie

Which has to include painting finger nails

Yeah! Doing the individual shots of the girls
Instead of trying to go somewhere we decided on the backyard

Marshmallows is the key to happy pictures. Took some family pictures when Ben came home. He makes a lot of faces. Another Girl's Night. How do you not cry in this movie!!

Got stuck in traffic while going to the airport. Missed the plane.

Went to the Cookie Exchange instead. Yum.
Left for the airport earlier the next day. Plane was delayed. Airports closing due to ice and snow. Trying to find a seat on standby right before Christmas. Finally made it home.

Anyone else want to visit?

Alright, so Audrey lost Rora's special blanket (I do keep calling!) and missed her first flight home and then had kind of a harrowing experience on the actual flight home but besides all of that we had a blast. I am always talking about The Beebe family but I had forgotten how much I really miss hanging out with Audrey until she actually got here. She is so incredibly talented and such a good mom. Her daughter is adorable (and intelligent!) Mostly she is one of those rare people who just make you feel good about yourself. I think we might have to make this a yearly March :)

p.s. she is going to have to send me the pictures she took because I realized I don't have one of Rora. I think I kept borrowing her camera because it was so much better than mine.


Audrey said...

You make me feel like a celebrity! The trip was totally worth it!! Ironically enough, I was just touching up the pictures I took while I was there! I'll send them over soon.

BTW - I still don't have a picture of you and I together!

Corrine said...

looks like a crazy few days. or was that just one??