Friday, December 12, 2008

How many candy canes can one child consume in a day?

Or more importantly, how many candy canes can three children consume in a day when you decide to be cheap (oops, I mean frugal) and not buy decorations for the tree but use candy canes instead. My children are playing Santa's helpers today and wrapping presents. It snowed the other day here in Houston (yes, we were all shocked!) and today it is a beautiful 40 something degrees. My kiddos were suppose to go to a Christmas party this morning but I got up early this morning and was practicing telling time with Eliora on our clock and then reset it to the wrong time. By the time I had figured it out we were an hour late and it takes an hour even get there so I decided it wasn't worth it. On the other hand...we are getting lots done!


Syden said...
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Syden said...

My record is 5 boxes of candy canes and when I threw up later it tasted deliciously pepperminty, of course that was last year so how many can a child consume I guess I have no idea

Corrine said...

yeah on getting lots done!

y'all should string popcorn! cheap, fun, busy and cute!

no idea about the candy canes consumution...

Keeping up with the Burtons said...

We found you guys :) We're sure that all the sugar in those candy canes are keeping the girls' energy up with daddy's right? Haha!

Becky said...

You really don't know how many they can consume, because they are not in the optimal conditions. The real question should be how many can they consume with grandma there? Shall we put it to the test?