Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Favorite Memories

Eliora - "I liked it when I blew bubbles as big as my face and Grandma said it was a big bubble"

Audrey - "My favorite memory of Grandma is, you know, when we went to the store to buy bubblegum and you know I blew a bubble as big as my mouth. Mom, you were gone."

Sadie - "Ummm, Happy Birthday for Grandma"


Audrey said...

Happy Birthday, Becky!

Anna said...

AW! Happy birthday!!! Hope you have a spectacular one!

Becky said...

My Grandchildren are the cutest and grandest grandchildren in the whole world and I'm not prejudice. Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

They really are the cutest!
