Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We always have so many homeschool projects and pictures that I decided to start a separate blog where I would post all school related items. Mostly it is for me to document what we are doing, lesson plans, favorite websites, books and the like. I am going to try and update it once a week as a way to keep myself on track while I slowly add all the stuff I have bookmarked and saved in my computer. It is in the infancy stages but I did post our field trip last Saturday if anyone wants to check it out. I will also have it in my list of websites under homeschool stuff.


Corrine said...

i am impressed, we have the kids out of school and have tried a little of home schooling type stuff...and well lets just say i am ready to send them off on the bus monday morning.

Anna said...

u speled school rong... its skool