Thursday, February 26, 2009

Amazing, as always

Today we got a package in the mail from one of the most amazing people I know. In it were four adorable 'pillow' dresses, a bag of dark chocolate kisses (who knows me?) and a bag of butterfingers. Of course, if it is sewing, it has to be made by Audrey Beebe. That would be amazing enough but upon further inspection (okay, it didn't really take us long to discover this) the dresses perfectly match the dresses of the dolls she made us for Christmas. How cute is that!!


Audrey said...

Yippee!! I'm so glad you got the package! Sorry your "Christmas" presents were so late!

The girls look adorable, though.

P.S. Since this was their Christmas gift, and it wasn't really for YOU, it totally doesn't count as your gift from me for the blog contest . . . that is still to come!

Melissa said...

These are amazing! I need a girl...

Anna said...

Seriously-Audrey! how do you do this? now anythign I send you will look lame!