Friday, February 13, 2009

Ben's Birthday!! February 13, 2009

Someday it will be a national holiday, and not one of those lumped together ones like President's Day but an actual Ben Davis, everyone get off work and school unless you work someplace I need that day like the gas station or grocery store, kind of holiday. (Whew, long sentence). Anyhow, here is a list of 10 things about Ben that some of you may not know.

1. Ben was born in Wisconsin
2. He does not like chocolate but he likes chocolate covered cherries
3. He wants to live on a hammock in Fiji someday or be the dictator of a third world know, whichever comes first
4. He is OCD about some things like washing his hands and brushing his teeth
5. He frequently washes our floor
6. He wants a motorcycle
7. He also wants to take flying lessons, continue boxing lessons, write a book, get into model airplanes, camp at least twenty days or more this year, learn another language, get an english bulldog, and the list goes on and on....
8. He is afraid of dogs
9. He frequently dreams about killing people (CIA kind of stuff...I think)
10. Some of his favorite books growing up were Siddhartha, Green Mansions, and anything by Ann Rand

So if you get a chance give him a call and wish him Happy Birthday or feel free to post something you know about Ben.


Keeping up with the Burtons said...

Happy Birthday Ben!!

M and W said...

Happy Birthday again!!!!

Audrey said...

Happy Birthday, Ben.

You mentioned being OCD about hand washing, and I still think it's funny that whenever you guys have a new baby, Ben carries around a travel-size bar of anti-bacterial soap in his pocket in case anyone asks to hold the baby!!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Ben. I think the dreams he has of killing people might include his mother in law once in a great while! I also think Ben is deserving of a national holiday in his honor. He is just a great guy.

Anna said...

Ben has problems, but hey.. what can you say! Happy Birthday Ben!

... sleep well tonight... my little friend... sleep well....


Marci said...

happy birthday ben!

Teresa said...

Happy Many Birthdays, Ben!

Isn't that funny...just a couple of days ago I picked up Green Mansions and started to reread it, read several chapters before I finally put it down and got back to studying. I love that story.


katharine said...

that's funny, i always have dreams people are trying to kill me!