Friday, February 13, 2009

A Present from ME to YOU!

I saw this on Melissa's blog and thought that it was super cute!!! So here we go!!!

The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

* 1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
* 2. What I create will be just for you.
* 3. It'll be done this year (hopefully sooner than later.)
* 4. You will have no clue what it is going to be.
* 5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange (can we just say... muahahaha)

The catch? Oh the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did will win a marvelous homemade gift by me! And I have to be able to contact you somehow! So! There!


Audrey said...

Do I count, even though, technically, I posted it on my blog when I saw Anna's?

I AM the first person to comment, so I totally think it should still count.

The fact that you're married to Ben makes it all the more intriguing what I might end up with. :)

M and W said...

I think it does count but you're right Audrey it could end up very interesting.

Tyler Davis said...

Wow, I am so out of the loop, but it looks like the doors are still open so I'm running through 'em. Whee, I posted this thingy on my blog, so that means you now owe me something. I will refer you to the comments page on Whitney's blog that go with her posting of the give away for the legal conditions that this contest implies. I'm lazy and don't feel like copy/pasting it here. So...there you go. Tell the girls I said hello and Bregelle and I miss them and their parents.