Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sticky, Lazy Days

My 'friend' Marci came to visit from Kansas and brought along presents for my girls. They loved the whole 700 calorie, 26 grams of sweetness. I loved that they cried when the suckers broke almost instantly, stuck themselves to the table, left stickiness everywhere and that three minutes after sucking on one Audrey had a major meltdown. I filmed it. Don't worry Marci....I'll send it to ya. Oh, the present war is sooo back on.

I don't know why people think it's funny to send my children large amounts of sticky sugar but my mom mailed an entire box of gumballs. After a few days of gum everywhere we decided to make beautiful collages out of them.

Here are just a few random pics on how we are spending our days. The guy on the left is a missionary who comes over to harass our cat. He does pretty good swings though. Seriously, I thought she was going to go over the fence.
We did a field trip out to Stephen F. Austin Park last week but I posted those pics on my other blog found here


Marci said...

you love me.

Audrey said...

That collage is actually really cute! You're so creative. I probably would have started sneaking the gumballs into the trash a few at a time until they were all gone. A collage is a much better idea!

Corrine said...

i am just laughing....love sticky gooey presents....almost as good as like a really bad makeup kit with bright colors that don't wash off of anything...

Anna said...

Ah sick... sticky kids!!! What kind of awful friend gives you stuff like that! REALLY!! :)

Lanae said...

Look at those cute kids! I can't believe how your little family has grown since the last time we've seen you and Ben. I hope everyone in your family is doing well and tell everyone hi for us!
Lanae Larson (Burton) and the rest of us (Jared, Jordan, and Austin)

Tyler Davis said...

tsk tsk, doesn't that missionary know kids have cooties and are not to be looked at, near, touched, smelt, poked, kicked, or levitated with the use of the force?

I guess I will not be sending the half melted tubs of ice cream and extra goop filled chocolate eggs that come with free tubes of super glue. I heard that all the kids wanted those this year for Easter.

You know what I have noticed while adding all the family's blogs to my Google reader? Comments that are left are like the size of text messages or smaller. It's like people are so busy that they can only jot down a really small message to let you know how they are feeling about what they are learning about your life from your blog. Or most people are asleep at 2:30am and aren't in a talkative mood and no one in the house is awake except the rabbits (that's a one way conversation if I ever had one). I'm betting it's the first option, which I can blame on cell phones and society's addiction to them. Or I'm writing this to have the longest comment on your blog ever. I'm not telling which one it really is, cause that way you have to use your imagination.