Monday, April 20, 2009

Funny Movie Reviews

Funny Movie Reviews

Just a few of my favorites - a lot of these are really funny :

AMADEUS: Man with health problems receives help from rival.
BATMAN: Wealthy man assaults the mentally ill.
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST: Peasant girl develops Stockholm Syndrome.
CORALINE: Misfit discovers she is special person in a secret world just beside our own.
DIE HARD: Dysfunctional cop saves marriage by murdering foreign national.
DRACULA: Immigrant clashes with locals.
E.T.: Out-of-control pet causes mayhem, sadness.
FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF: Amoral narcissist makes world dance for his amusement.
FIELD OF DREAMS: Schizophrenic builds ball park, almost kills girl.
FRANKENSTEIN: Scientific advancement proves unpopular with general public.
GLADIATOR: Convict murders head of state.
HARRY POTTER: Celebrity Jock thinks rules don’t apply to him, is right.
JURASSIC PARK: Theme park’s grand opening pushed back.
KING KONG: Endangered animal stolen, shot.
LORD OF THE RINGS: Midget destroys stolen property.
MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL: British comedy troupe inadvertently creates language lab for nerds.
NEVERWHERE: Misfit discovers he is special person in secret world just beside our own.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Woman with gold-digging mother nags wealthy man into marriage.
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: American yahoo murders soldiers and desecrates religious artifacts for money.
ROBIN HOOD: Disgruntled veteran protests taxes.
SLEEPY HOLLOW: Veteran harassed.
STARDUST: Misfit discovers he is special person in secret world just beside our own.
STAR WARS: EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Boy is abused by midget, kisses sister, attempts patricide
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Dangerous insurgent invades neighboring country.
TWILIGHT: Girl gives up college for stalker.
WAR OF THE WORLDS: Immigrants face difficulty acclimating

1 comment:

Corrine said...

those are pretty funny!!