Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Influenza

I thought this article was interesting. It has comments from people in and around Mexico City.


Melissa said...

I am trying not to be nervous about the outbreak because I usually don't get nervous about these things but really I am a little frightened. Unfortunately a about a year ago I spent a lot of time reading about the 1918 outbreak. That was bird flu but still killed millions...anyway, they didn't have antibiotics back then but flu strains change quickly as they spread. Hopefully they will contain it soon. I see that some schools in Texas have been shut down. I hope it doesn't make it to Houston.

Melissa said...

I forgot to mention that, of course, antibiotics don't fight flu but they can help keep down other problems and fight symptoms.

Anna said...

Oh my gosh.. seriously... this is awful. I read a lot of those posts and it was scary because a lot of them were from doctors down in Mexico city! CREEPY.

Glenn Beck did a whole thing last night about the swine flu-worth watching.

Becky said...

No one is ever going to make fun of Ben again with his bottle of anti-bacterial stuff in his pocket. The only thing I worry about is that he will install an outdoor shower that everyone has to use before entering his home.
A new chore for the girls: daily wiping down of the door knobs, steering wheels, and phones, (and who ever gets the phone job can call grandma)