Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Eliora Riding A Bike

Paige and Eliora are only a few months apart and are great friends when they get together. It's awesome to have a cousin to learn stuff with.
Be glad I didn't post the one of me running along side. It wasn't pretty

Only a few spills but in the end they were still smiling!


Audrey said...

Way to go, Eliora!! We're so proud of you!

Keeping up with the Burtons said...

That's so cute!

Anonymous said...

The grandest granddaughter in the world is the worlds greatest bike rider. Way to go!

Brady and Melody said...

Hey, you guys are still alive. And thriving it appears. That is a beautiful set of girls you have. It's good to read from you.

Tiffany said...

DARN, i got on today hoping to read about you making out in the mini van and getting caught....