Thursday, June 11, 2009

Something To Do - Photography Scavenger Hunt

Summer has started which means we are taking a break from homeschooling as much and inserting other activities as well (trying to keep the kids occupied while mom cleans out the junk that accumulated over another year). The other day I wrote out a couple of scavenger hunts for them but it turns out they are pretty fast when working together (the things they found were around the house, I wasn't sending them to the neighbors.) They love to play with the camera and I needed another half hour to tackle the fridge so they did a photography hunt instead. Here is the complete twenty pictures that occupied a good hour of their time.

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Anna said...

ah-but how much time did you spend putting the pictures up on the internet and making a slide show? Looks like the kids win! They kept Mom occupied!

ha just kidding.

Tonia said...

Yeah, but I like doing that!

Becky said...

Will you be my mom? They always have such fun

M and W said...

Thats such a cool idea!

Alison said...

What a great idea!! We'll have to use it sometime :)