Thursday, May 12, 2011

Florida Day Three

We decided to take a break from the sun, surf, and waves and went to the carnival on the beach. The girls loved the balloon ride but my favorite was the ferris wheel. Nothing like being up high and looking out over the ocean.

There were a lot of animals topiaries that the girls want to incorporate into our yard.

We also discovered that there was a biker rally going on that weekend. This meant a little more traffic the whole time we were there but also a lot of cool bikes to look at, burly guys to wave at, and loud vrrrrmmm noises for Ben.

We had pizza at a healthy place beside the beach. They had gluten free stuff. Made us think of Bregelle. Abbey liked the cheese.

Looking cool in Florida.

After a full day of walking around town, carnival rides, and motorcycles we decided to walk down to the beach at sunset. Not the best pic of me but the atmosphere was beautiful. We also discovered little white crabs that come out everywhere once the sun goes down.
Enjoying the gourmet popcorn we bought earlier.

Audrey wasn't as keen on the local fare Ben picked up at the grocery store.

They all went for the fudge though. Spent the night watching movies, painting toenails, and falling asleep in a big jumble on the fold out bed downstairs.

1 comment:

M and W said...

Did Ben paint his nails too? I bet he did.....