Sunday, June 19, 2011


Every girl needs a hero.

Someone strong,

who helps them take that first step.

Who holds you when you're just too tired to go on.

Someone gentle,

who doesn't mind a little pink.

Every girl needs someone to help them weather the storms.

To help them take aim,

and be there when you get a little tangled up.

To encourage them in new things,

and make them smile.
To hold them when they're scared,

and give them a hug when they need it.

Every girl needs someone to lift them up when their down,
and be proud of their accomplishments.
This is our hero.
Happy Father's Day Ben


Anna said...


I think I have something in my eye.

Aw, HappyFathers Day, Benjamin!

Anonymous said...

Me too. Thanks

Audrey said...

This is so sweet! Ben really is a good dad! Happy Father's Day, Ben!

katharine said...

great father's day tribute :)