Saturday, July 9, 2011


The answer to the previous post is a no. I told Ben he was being mean but I think he just wanted to see how far down people actually read. It was an interesting experience though. We are in the process of trying to decide if our family is complete or not and I think this might have let us know that we are. Or at least we are for awhile. (No, we are not trying)

With the question of moving still in the air, vacation plans, baptisms, and whatnot on the horizon it was actually a bit of a relief. And yet there is always that thought of excitement right before. That moment when you consider the possibilities and wonder what other little spirit would join your home. Don't get me wrong. Ben and I are both exhausted most of the time. We wonder how we are going to pay for college funds and dental bills. We get white hairs over kidnappers, sugar overload, and whether Audrey will ever like her curly hair. But then again, each child we have had has been so interesting. I know that is not the word most people use when having kids but it's true in every regard.

I was amazed when Eliora was born. Ben and I were so young. We had no idea what we were doing and yet it brought us so much closer together. Eliora was so bright, happy, and outgoing. When we found out we were having Audrey I thought how fun it would be to have another little Eliora running around. Then she was born and was so different. Audrey was curious, a little more serious, and you could actually see her thinking. When Sadie came I remember being so excited to see what she would be like. By that time I knew how different each kid could be and I knew she would be her own little self - and she was. Our little tomboy who is fiercly in love with her Daddy. We actually had a job by the time Abbey joined us. With worries about 'can we afford dinner', and 'we have no more room' gone I thought Abbey would be a breeze, but that kid is a spitfire. Funny thing, I love her all the more for it. Now we have Hannah. At ten months I can already see the determination in her. That kid is going places.

So, there you have it. Our world of hugs and tears, ballet slippers and hair brushes. It looks like for now we will stay as we are. And I am perfectly okay with that. With each personality it is never boring around here.


katharine said...

oh, come on you know its only a matter of time :)

Tyler Davis said...

I just thought I would let you know that your blog is the lead in driving traffic to my website. Thanks!