Monday, August 1, 2011

Life is Really Not Hard

This is the mantra I keep telling myself. Then I remind myself that;

  • I have five perfectly healthy kids. They do all have cavities and I haven't taken them to the dentist yet but other than that......
  • I have an amazing husband. He does have a few problems making decisions. Only big ones though, like where we are going to live......
  • I have a really nice house. Of course, according to our realtor it is seriously outdated and we have to pretty much redo every room to get it to a sellable condition.
  • We have a great moving package to help us get to our new city. Too bad the houses out there are all out of our price range.

But life is really not that hard. We are simply at a cross roads and when that happens sometimes the trivial starts to look enormous. So today I will think;

  • My Dad is flying into town in less than 2 days. I love my Dad. My kids love my Dad.
  • My husband will be home at five to help. He will also tell me I am amazing because when things get tough he is the kind of guy who always remembers to say it.
  • We will pack and sort and dejunk all that stuff we have meaning to go through for years and I will get a great feeling doing it.
  • We have time to find a house. We don't have to find a new one today.

There. I feel better.


katharine said...

what? i really missed something. why are you moving? where? good luck with everything, i'm still exhausted and unfinished resettling from my move in june...

Marci said...

moving is stressful... especially if you have to sell a house. I suggest large quantities of tasty treats to get you through it. Have fun!

Audrey said...

Ohh that is hard!!! But so true about the big things making the small things seem trivial. I wish I could help you but I live so far! But I would love to take your girls for the day!

Audrey said...

or rather the trivial things seeming big!

Melissa said...

John has the opposite problem of Ben :) Everything is you say it true and could easily be said about my life also but I still really didn't want to get up this morning :)

Anna said...

On the plus side, you have matching van and truck!

They're both white!

Callie said...

Good luck!