Monday, December 19, 2011

It's an old family recipe.

Usually when I make fudge I use the recipe on the marshmallow cream jar. Sometimes it is beautiful, creamy, and delicious. Sometimes it's a little grainy. Then my mom gave me a recipe for homemade marshmallow cream. Holy goodness! Fudge took on a whole new dimension. A few days ago however I was at the store staring at the take home kit of fudge. How easy, how flawless. Maybe not as decadent and delicious as homemade fudge but well enough to eat and so much easier to put on plates for neighbors when Christmas is approaching and the to do list just keeps getting longer. So today I caved and busted out the fudge kit. I put in the ingredients and set it to a boil. I set the timer. I stirred. I didn't bother with the candy thermometer (not needed with a super easy take home fudge kit). I added the marshmallows that resembled super large tic tacs. I added the chocolate chips and I stirred. Then I stirred some more. Then I started to panic. My super easy flawless fudge was resembling ground cornmeal. Large tic tac marshmallows were not melted. So I did what only a true gal in the kitchen would do. I stirred in a little more evaporated milk, melted the whole thing, and stuck it in the blender. Poured into mason jar with a cute label and a bow tie it will go to an unsuspecting neighbor. When they ask me for my homemade fudge sauce recipe I will tell them politely that I could not possibly give it away, it's an old family recipe.

1 comment:

katharine said...

way to take a lemon and make lemonade :)