Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Playing Catch-Up - Audrey's Baptism

Alrighty.....since I basically use this blog as an excuse for my journal I thought I would chronicle the major events one day at a time. Hopefully by the weekend I will be caught up! So...starting in September,

This beautiful girl was baptized. It is tradition in our family to go shopping for the white dress. It was an awesome day with Grandma Davis, Aunt Anna, the older sis Eliora, and Anna's cutie Tristan.

Wedding dress shops for white dresses are the best, cause they have 3 way mirrors.

Dang I was seeing the future that day!

And of course we had to go out to lunch after. Good thing we are serious about the whole thing!

Ben gave an amazing talk on baptism. Honestly, he completely put down the notes and just spoke. I wish I could have recorded it. Thanks to everyone who came, it was a very special day.

1 comment:

A Musing Mother said...

Dear Audrey,

You look beautiful and radiant.

Your mother looks skinny.

I hate her. I wish I didn't but jealousy is an ugly, green thing.