Thursday, January 12, 2012

Caprock State Park

Last weekend Anna, Jeff, and baby Tristan made the very brave decision to go camping with us. She did an amazing write up with cute pics of her family and mine so I will let you read her account and just throw in a few pics of my own ;)

Ben and Hannah

Ben chasing the wild pigs. They were huge. He was brave.

Sadie catching a trout

Audrey getting frustrated at not catching a trout

Eliora was ecstatic when she got a bite. Wish I would have had a video.

Family picture. It was a little chilly but we came prepared and the hiking, wild life, fishing, and scenery were more than worth it!

Had to get at least one picture of our family with our dog Sushi. She's Ben's favorite. Just ask him ;)


Tyler Davis said...

Dang that looks like soooo much fun!

M and W said...

I love that first picture! Poor Audrey, I never caught anything either.

Anna said...

Ah poor Audrey. Just means we'll go back and try again!

THat was so fun, thank you for letting us tag along!

Anna said...

Ah poor Audrey. Just means we'll go back and try again!

THat was so fun, thank you for letting us tag along!

Anna said...

Ah poor Audrey. Just means we'll go back and try again!

THat was so fun, thank you for letting us tag along!