Monday, February 20, 2012

Davis meets Davis Mountains

This week my family was suppose to be up in Sedona, Arizona enjoying the red rocks and spiritual vortexes (or so I am told). Due to work complications we ended up with a lot less time and so traded our week vacation for a jam packed weekend staying in Fort Davis, Texas and visiting Marfa and Alpine. My husband actually did a write up on his blog here. This never happens so go read it and leave a comment. Maybe it will encourage him to write more often.
Here is a brief list of my thoughts on the weekend (it turned out to be more than a was a fun weekend!)

1) We forgot the camera. That means that all the pics were taken on my husbands phone which I do not currently have access to. Of course, on his blog he picked the only picture of me wearing a very goofy hat. What can I say? It was cold. The rest of the pictures (that he didn't post) are adorable.

2) Bouldering turns out to be my kid's new favorite past time. My new past time might be visiting the McDonald Observatory. I haven't seen skies like that since being a kid in Utah. It looked something like this,

Except that doesn't begin to do it justice. The big light is a laser pointer the guy (who is surprisingly funny) points into the sky so you can actually see the consellations. Then he tells the stories. Thanks to Percy Jackson my kids could follow a lot of Cassiopia, her daugher, Perseus, and the sea serpent. You could also see the full big and little dipper, north star, the milky way, and who knows what else. It is amazing. Then you look through 12 telescopes to see stars forming, another galaxy, Venus, Jupiter, and well.... it was cool. The best part is that everytime you go the sky is different so you get to see different stuff. It also isn't as expensive as you would think.

3) Hotel rooms above soda fountain shops are expensive. Not the rooms per se, but the amount of three dollar old fashioned sodas and homemade fudge you end up buying.

4) Rock hounding with a geologist is fun, because he knows where to look and you actually find things

5) Apparently there really are a group of mountains in Texas called the Davis Mountains. My husband was not making it up all those years ago.

6) Dr. Pepper coming out of your nose doesn't taste as bad as you would think. Just don't mention lettuce around me for awhile. Also, I love that after almost 12 years of marriage my husband can still make me laugh that hard.

7) Little girls turning 6 would much rather have a weekend with just her family than a party. Especially if she is the princess all weekend and gets piggy back rides up the 3 mile hiking trail. Not sure if she will say that as a teenager ;)

8) Once you are home make banana splits for everyone and turn on Phineas and Ferb. The washing, disgusting shoes, and laundry can wait for tomorrow.


M and W said...

Surprising that Texas has mountains isn't it? :) What a fun weekend and rock hounding with a geologist is fun.

Teresa said...

What do you think? Our next family the Davis Mtns? What a fun trip! Happy Birthday, Sadie!
Love, Grandma and Grandpa Davis

Anonymous said...

Wait for it....Lettuce

Ryan said...

Sounds like a great trip.

Tyler Davis said...

I went to the observatory when I was a scout. We say the shuttle and international space station in orbit, and then a shooting star shot between the two. No one had a video of it since that was in the days before cell phones, cell phone cameras, and occular implants. Sorry to hear you didn't make it to Sedona, its really pretty there. But it's pretty in the Davis mountains too. Did you see any black bears?