Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy 35th Birthday Ben!

 The girls and I have been planning a surprise party for Ben's 35th birthday for over a week now. Do you know how hard it is to keep 5 little girls quiet? Saturday he took the older three to see Journey 2. When he returned we had 12 adults, 9 kids, (not including his own), 12 pounds of BBQ, lots of sides, a fire hazard of a cake, a home video of him with pics of the kids, and homemade ice cream waiting for him.
This is Ben pretending he had no idea what was going on....I think he suspected a little but wasn't sure of the when, where, and how.

He liked the food though, although it was decided that his brisket is better.

The girls did a big homemade sign. I let Audrey and Eliora take pics and now I kind of wish I would have gotten a few in. We had balloons all over the floor and streamers up. The streamers had about had it by the end of the night. Too tempting for little kids to pull down.

Not much food left by the end!

Everyone was such a good sport! I really appreciated them all showing up and helping out!

1 comment:

M and W said...

He's such a great guy, tell him I said, "Happy Birthday!" and then please give him a hug for me.