Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Very Tangled FHE

Pinterest is changing my life. Seriously. I am such a cooler mom. Okay, so maybe the time wasted browsing pinterest might cancel out the cool activities but hey, we are having fun. Last night was one of those pinterest inspirations. With five girls a lot of our Family Home Evenings tend to lean a little bit on the girly side. Sometimes we throw in a good David and Goliath just so Ben doesn't go nuts but last night we needed a little bit of princess, a little bit of dancing to music, and a whole lotta knowing who you are. I decided to use the pinterest idea I found here, which happened to have a lot of other cool ideas on it!

We opened with a prayer and started to decide the song. This is usually the kids picking a favorite but tonight was mom's turn. I cranked the ipod and made them get up and get dramatic to.....

Mother Know's Best. Oh yeah, it was spiritual. This is the song where Mother Gothel is telling Rapunzel that she is not brave enough, not pretty enough, not graceful enough, and not smart enough to pretty much do anything. (It happens to be one of my favorite songs in the movie - whoever sang it can seriously belt out a tune!)
The girls were a little shocked that this was our opening song but they are good sports so they went with it. Once it was over we talked about the story of Tangled. I loved that Abby (age 4) could really relate and get into this conversation. The story got retold this way:
A beautiful young girl is born of royal birth, however, as she grows up she is told lie after lie to try and keep her from fulfilling her full potential. She struggles between believing the lies or finally finding out who she really is....only to learn that she is the daughter of a KING!
We talked about how our daughters are children of God but how here on earth they are often told by media, friends, and sometimes themselves that they are not pretty enough, smart enough, (insert critical comment here.....)
So, how do we reach our full potential while here on earth? That's right - go by the Primary theme of the year and Choose the Right!

I had set up a maze of yarn throughout the house. We started at the beginning and followed the trail, every now and then coming to a point where the yarn went in two different directions. There were ten break offs. When they reached a point where the yarn went in two directions they had to make a choice based on the top ten problems youth are facing today which are found here. The search led them through 4 bedrooms and the sunroom with wrong choices going to dead ends in bathrooms and such. At last they reached the end and their reward - a bag of Starbursts with the words 'Chew the Right' on it.
There was also a piece of paper with the words Divine Nature at the top. The ideas on this page, modified a bit to fit my kids ages, I got from this website, which is well worth the read.
So, we sat there, chewing our starbursts and learning that we all have a divine nature.
All in all, a great family home evening for our girls - next week we will break out something more manly for Ben. I'm sure I can find an idea on pinterest.


M and W said...

I'm so impressed.

Brooke said...

I love it! We did the angry bird one it rocked! I love having the internet and media available for amazing FHEs! :)